
Primary Address

To Add/Edit the primary address, click on the Primary Address button and complete the form. When complete, click OK.

Alternate Address

To Add/Edit the Alternate Address, click on the Alternate Address button and complete the form. When complete, click OK. The alternate address includes dates for mailing. If these dates are completed, then all mailings will go to the alternate address during the designated period. Otherwise only the mailings as designated by the radio buttons to the right will go to the alternate address.

Work Address

The Work Address is optional and can be selected for mailings. To Add/Edit the Work Address, click on the Work Address button and complete the form. When complete, click OK.

To add a company name, pick from the drop down list. If the company name does not appear, simply type in the name.

Email Addresses

There are fields for two email addresses.

Associate Addresses with Mailing

There are three mailing types: Mailings, Statements and Confidential. To determine which address or email address is associated with a particular type of mailing, click on the radio button to the right of the address type. For example, if the statement is to be mailed to the work address, click on the radio button in the statement column beside the work address.