Buz Club Manager
Reference Guide

Reference Guide Point of Sale Food & Beverage POS PROCESS ORDER Modify or Delete Items

There are four options for modifying items on an order:

There are four buttons at the bottom left hand side of the POS screen which allow you to perform the above functions.

Change Quantity

To change the quantity, click on or touch the item on the sales slip so that it is highlighted.  Next click on or touch the # button.

Using the calculator, enter the desired quantity, then click OK.  The quantity will have changed to the left of the item description on the sales slip.

Change Price

To change the price, click on or touch the item on the sales slip so that it is highlighted.  Next click on or touch the $ button.

There are four options for changing the price.

The sales slip will reflect the modified price.

Delete Item

To delete an item, click on or touch the item on the sales slip, then click the X button.

If the item being deleted was sent to the kitchen, the server will be prompted to enter a reason for deleting the item.

Enter the reason and select Exit.  

The item will be deleted from the sales slip and the explanation will be printed.

Custom Modifiers

This topic was dealt with on a separate page of the reference guide.  Click here.