Storage Manager

Storage Manager
The Storage Manager is a management system which allows for the creation and management of storage facilities, such as lockers, bag storage, power caddy storage and any other types of storage which will be assigned to members.


The Storage Manager has a tabbed interface.

Storage Manager Tabs

The Storage Manager is divided into three tabs.  Instructions on each of these tabs will appear on separate pages.

  • Locations (such as Men's Locker Room, Bag Storage etc.)
  • Types (such as Full Locker, Half Locker etc.)
  • Units (create units based on location and type)


As in other Buz modules, the Storage Manager offers powerful search capabilities. Simply enter your search criteria in the Search Box on the upper right hand of the Tool Bar and a list of Storage Units which meet your criteria will appear on a search tab. The search will simultaneously search for Unit Name, Location, Type, Member Assigned To and Notes.