Manage Member Information

Manage Member Information
This section deals with the routine functions of adding and modifying member information.

Add Member

Click on the Add Member button on the Action Bar.  

Complete the information on the following tabs.  Make sure to complete all mandatory information.

Click Save.

Once you have saved the member record, you can add information for Attributes, Relationships and Storage.

Add Dependant Member

Find the principal member in the Member List and click on the member's name.  Click on the Add Dependant Member button on the Action Bar.

The Add Dependant form is pre-populated with information from the principal member's record.  Make any changes required to the pre-populated information and click OK.  Next, complete the balance of the dependant member's information and click Save.

View Dependant Members

Find the principal member in the Member List and click on the member's name.  Click on the View Dependant Member button on the Action Bar.

Modify Member

Find the member in the Member List and click on the member's name.  

Click on the Edit Member button on the Action Bar.  Edit information on the following tabs and then click Save when you have finished modifying the information.

To modify information for AttributesRelationships and Storage, click on the applicable button on the Action Bar.

Delete Member

Find the member in the Member List and click on the member's name.  Click on the Delete Member button on the Action Bar.  The member record will be marked as deleted.

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