
Notification Email Address
The Notification Email Address is the email that all reservation confirmations, reminders and cancellation notices will be sent from. 

Send Notifications
The Send Notifications By Email checkbox is selected by default and enables email confirmations, reminders and cancellation notices. Leaving this option unchecked will disable all email notifications. 

The option to send SMS text message notifications will be added as a future enhancement. 

Identify all Members
If this option is selected, all other diner names must be specified when the reservation is booked. If this option is not selected, a member can simply book a reservation and indicate the number of people in the party without entering each name. 

Max People/Reservation
This is the maximum number of people that can be included in a reservation. The ability to refine this by location is available when managing Dining Rooms. 

Max Times/Room to Offer
The maximum number of available time slots that will be shown once the member selects their desired reservation date and time. It is recommended to show between 5-10 options. 

Booking Timeout
The number of minutes that a booking will be reserved while the member completes the booking form. We recommend allowing 5-10 minutes in order to complete the reservation before the time slot becomes available again. 

Booking Interval
Typically clubs will set up a booking interval of 30 minutes so that members can book at 5:00, 5:30, 6:00, 6:30 and so on. A shorter booking interval of 15 minutes would allow members to book at 5:00, 5:15, 5:30, 5:45, etc. 

Booking Time Range
The overall booking time range. Enter the first available reservation for lunch and the last available reservation for dinner. The ability to further refine the time range by location and day is available when managing the Dining Room Schedule. 

First Reminder
The number of days prior to the reservation that the first reminder email should be sent. Typically this will be set to '1' in order to send a reminder email at 8 am the day before the reservation. Setting to '0' sends the reminder email the day of the reservation. Setting to '-1' means do not send. 

Second Reminder
The number of days prior to the reservation that the second reminder email should be sent. Setting to '0' sends the reminder email the day of the reservation. Setting to '-1' means do not send. 

Booking Cutoff
The number of hours in advance of a reservation that the option to book online is closed. For example, if you would prefer that members trying to book within 24 hours of their desired reservation time call the club as opposed to booking online, then the Booking Cutoff would be set to 24. 

Cancel By
The number of hours prior to the reservation that a member can cancel the reservation online. 

Reservation Notes
Helpful instructions or guidance for members that will display on the reservation confirmation page when booking a reservation. For example, you might want to inform members that you do not accept reservations for specific tables, etc. 

Reservation Policy Checkbox

New Reservation Notification
If checked, the standard notification email confirming the new reservation will be sent when a member books online.  

Notify registrant when an administrator adds a NEW reservation on their behalf
If checked, the standard notification email confirming the new reservation will be sent when an administrator adds a new reservation. For example, if a member calls reception and the receptionist adds the reservation into the system, the member will receive an email confirming the reservation. 

Changed Reservation Notification
If checked, the standard notification email confirming that a reservation has been changed will be sent when a member changes their reservation online. 

Notify registrant when an administrator changes a reservation on their behalf
If checked, the standard notification email confirming that a reservation has been changed will be sent when an administrator makes a change. For example, if a member calls reception to make a change and the receptionist makes a modification, the member will receive an email confirming the changed reservation. 

Canceled Reservation Notification
If checked, the standard notification email confirming that a reservation has been canceled will be sent when a member cancels a reservation online. 

Notify registrant when an administrator cancels a reservation on their behalf
If checked, the standard notification email confirming that a reservation has been canceled will be sent when an administrator makes a change. For example, if a member calls reception to cancel and the receptionist cancels the reservation, the member will receive an email confirmation. 

Reminders Notification
The email reminders sent to members as specified in the First Reminder and Second Reminder fields above. 

Send Administrative Notifications
Email addresses listed here will receive a notification every time a new reservation is added, changed or canceled.