Query Builder

The Query Builder allows you to create, save, and reuse subset groups of contacts with common attributes.

This is very useful for creating targeted emails, which increases the relevance of the information that members receive. For example: This tool allows you to send emails only to men, if you have a "men relevant only" email to send, or for all members within a certain age bracket, etc. The Query Builder allows you to get very specific about the qualities of those who will be listed as contacts for each grouping.

Note: This tool was discussed in Buz Mail > List Emails > Send/Schedule > Custom Recipient List in the Reference Guide.

The entry menu contains a list of all currently existing Custom Queries. It is always recommended to save your Queries under an easily recognizable name. For example: above, the second Query is named "women fn 'a' ", indicating that this Query will allow you to search only for women whose first name begins with the letter "a". Alternatively, the first Query is not easily identifiable, making it more difficult to know what the Query contains, this would make a search for this Query much more difficult.

Query Search

The Query Builder is easily searchable, using the Query Search tool, situated above the menu. Clicking on this tool will open the Query Search Menu, as shown below:

From: allows you to search for all Queries created after a certain date. Either enter the earliest date of creation you wish in mm/dd/yyyy format, or click on the small calender icon to the left of the text entry space, and select the date from the pop-up calendar that will appear.

Note: This tool does not work without filling out the "To" field as well.

To: allows you to search for all Queries created before or on a certain date. Either enter the earliest date of creation you wish in mm/dd/yyyy format, or click on the small calender icon to the left of the text entry space, and select the date from the pop-up calendar that will appear.

Note: Unlike the "From" field, since this search option can be used to find Queries created on a certain date, it is not essential to fill out the "From" field unless you wish to search within a certain time-span.

Name: allows you to search for Queries by name. This search option is especially useful if the names of the Queries indicate what the search is for. This tool can be used to search for the full name, or only part of the name, which allows you to find specific sorts of Queries that are already saved. For example: if all searches that seek specifically men contain the word "men", it will be much easier to find only these Queries when searching using the "name" search option.

Category: allows you to view only the Queries saved under a certain Category. By grouping your Queries intentionally, you will have an easier time finding the right saved Query for any particular job. Since you can wind up with a long list of Queries saved over time, it is as important to Categorize your Queries intuitively as it is to name them clearly.

Used/Unused/All: allows you to search for Queries which have been used in the past, or have never been used or, if it doesn't matter if they have or haven't been used in the past, for all Queries. This can help if you are returned with a long list of Queries if you know that you have used the Query you are looking for, in the past.

Once you have completely entered your search parameters, click on Search. If you wish to start a new search, or to alter your search, click on Reset to remove all entered information. The "Existing Custom Queries" list with update based on your search parameters. Below we will explore what actions can be taken on these Queries:


Within this menu you have the ability to Test, Copy, Delete and Export this Query:


Selecting "Test" from the Action Menu will display the current results of that query by searching your contact database for all members who fit the description created in the query. Below is an example using the results of a search for all males whose first names begin with either c or d:


Selecting "Copy" from the Action list will copy the Query, and open it in the same format as you would use for creating a new Query. This is useful if you would like to create a similar Query with a slight alteration. For example: if you would like to change the search for all females with a first name beginning with c,d instead of all males with that requirement.


Selecting "Delete" from the Action list will bring up a pop-up confirming whether you wish to delete this Query or not. If you do wish to delete it, click on yes, if you don't, click on cancel to return to the previous menu without making any changes.


Selecting "Export" from the Action list will initiate the download of an excel sheet with the results of this Query onto your computer. This will allow you to view the entire list in an editable format, as well as being able to email the list to others within your company, if the information is needed elsewhere, or to create an email subgroup that can be uploaded for use as an "Uploaded Recipient List", which will be discussed in another section. 

For more information on Uploaded Recipient Lists, either click on the link or see Buz Mail > List Emails > Send/Schedule > Uploaded Recipient List in the Reference Guide.

Query Name

This heading displays the name which each Query was saved under. As stated above, it is always a good idea to save Queries under an easily recognizable name. By clicking the header name you can organize the list of Existing Queries alphabetically by their name. One click will list them A-Z, the second click with list them Z-A.

Category Name

This heading displays the name of the Category under which the Query is saved. As stated above, it is always a good idea to Categorize Queries in an intuitive manner, for the facilitation of future referencing. By clicking the header name you can organize the list of Existing Queries alphabetically by their Category name. One click will list them A-Z, the second click with list them Z-A.


This heading displays whether an Existing Query has been used in the past, or not. By clicking the header name you can organize Existing Queries by whether or not they have been used in the past, separating those that have been used from those which have not.

Date Created

This heading displays the date on which the Query was created. By clicking the header name you can organize Existing Queries chronologically, either newest to oldest, or by oldest to newest. 

Add New Query

If none of your previously created Custom Queries match the group you would like to address, press "Add New Query" in the top right of the menu. The following is also included in Buz Mail > List Emails > Send/Schedule > Custom Recipient List in the Reference Guide:

New Query:

Category- For filing purposes, it is necessary to choose, or add, a "Category" to save this New Query under. This with enable you to find this specific query easier. The Category Title can be as simple as the title of the event you were sending out emails for, under which there may be numerous saved Queries; or it may be something more broad, such as a Category specifically for Alphabetical searches etc. 

If the Category that you need is not yet created, click on "Add Category". A simple window will appear with the space to enter the name of a new Category and either save the Category name, or if you have changed your mind about creating a new Category you are able to cancel and return to the previous window.

Make sure that you file your Queries in a way which is intuitive and useful for you.

Query Name- The Query name should be something easily identifiable; try to somehow incorporate what the search is either for, or consists of so as to facilitate future searches for the same or similar results.

Note: Saving a Query only saves the parameters for the search, it does not save the results. Therefore, any Query that is used again in the future will re-search your database for the current information stored. This allows all searches done to only include up-to-date information, ensuring that you are not emailing people who are no longer members, and that you are including new members who have joined since the Query was created. If you wish to keep the results, export them onto your computer as an excel sheet.

Condition Field Selection:

There are three options for the type of Conditions to use: PersonalContact and Business. Select whichever of these allows you to search the information necessary for the subset you are seeking, and press "Display Condition Editor". The following editor will appear:

Now for a more in depth explanation of how to fill in each of the fields, based on the chosen "Condition Field Selection" heading:

Personal- This provides you the option to search the following information under "Field Name":

Contact- This provides you the option to search the following information under "Field Name":

Business- This provides you the option to search the following information under "Field Name":

Note: Depending on how general or specific you make your Query, a list of all members in your database will be returned who fulfill the parameters of the search. This is great for grouping based on commonalities (eg: from the same company, with the same job title, from the same state/province, etc.). There may be searches which will only return one member.

If you have chosen the wrong "Condition" field and wish to re-access the Condition Field Selection menu, simply click the "Reset" button at the top of the "Custom Query Builder" menu.

Also, if you decide you no longer want to create a Custom Query, but would prefer to use one of the pre-set options under "Built-in Recipient List", click the "Back" Button at the top of the "Custom Query Builder" menu.

Once your Query has been fully defined, click on "Test Query" to see the results of the search. If the results meet your needs, click on "Save Query". This will return you to the "Select the type of recipient list" menu. Click on "Generate Email List". 

Note: to save the Query you will need to have chosen a category and name for it before clicking on "Generate Email List".

You will be taken to the below menu:

The screen shows you how many people will be sent the email. Click on "Confirm Recipient List and Verify Email" to go to the final step of sending the email.

Recall that with this option you will have the choice to either Send the email, or to schedule. See Buz Mail > List Emails > Send/Schedule > Verify and Send Email in the Reference Guide for further details on this option.