People Search

Use the Buz People Search module to locate a member’s website record. Once located, you can update member contact info, change member passwords, assign member groups, verify privacy settings, or add a payment method.

To access People Search, select the Buz People application group, then click on People Search.

The People Search offers a few options for locating a member record.  The preferred option is the Active People Search located on the left.

Simply begin typing the member’s name and matching results will populate as you type.  Then click the member's name to open their record.

If the Active People Search is not sufficient then the Advanced People Search can be used to conduct a more detailed search.

Please note that you do not have to use all of these fields at once. Simply insert the information you know about the person and click the Search People button. Leaving all fields blank will bring you to your entire member roster.

The Active status filter is checked by default. If you are searching for a member who may have a non-active status, then be sure to uncheck the Active filter to search for users regardless of status.

The Advanced People Search can also be used to search for a grouping of people.