Bulk Approve Invoices
The Tool Bar outlined in red above has options to:
The list of invoices to be approved shows Purchase Orders with a background color of beige and Invoices with a background color of light blue.
You can filter the list by invoice date by clicking on the Invoice Date button on the tool bar. Once you select a date, the list will only display invoices dated up to and including the date you selected.
You can view the details of an invoice or purchase order by clicking on the + sign to the left of the line item. You can use the Expand All and Collapse All buttons on the Tool Bar to expand or collapse all of the items in the list.
Bulk Approve Invoice as the title suggests provides the option to approve open invoices and received purchase orders as a batch. By approving the invoices, they will be posted to accounts payable.
Once you have selected the appropriate date filter as described above, you can approve invoices (and purchase orders) in one of two ways:
Note: Invoices which are incomplete will not appear in the list. Purchase Orders, where the invoice number has been omitted will have the cell highlighted in yellow. You cannot approve a purchase order until the invoice number has been entered the invoice number can be entered in line on the grid).
Once you have selected the invoices to approve, click on the Approve button on the Tool Bar. The invoices will disappear from the list once they are approved.