Custom Data Files

Custom Data Files

Custom Data Files have a number of practical and valuable applications within WebCommunicator.

 Custom Data Files can be used to:

Uploading a Custom Data File

On the Outlook Bar, navigate to General Admin > Custom Data Files.

Step 1:

Select Add Data File from the Button Bar.

The following is a brief descriptions of the Custom Data File Options:

Tip:  The header row for each column in the Custom Data File must contain a unique alphanumeric value (numbers and letters only.)

Tip:  Contact your Buz coach for assistance with Credit Book files.

Note:  Only Comma Delimited (CSV) files are supported.

Complete the options and click Add Data File.

Step 2:

Once the data file is saved, additional options will become available.

The file above is an image of a spread sheet which contains custom data.  Upon uploading this file, the following options will become available:

The following is a description of each of the columns:

Once all of the options have been completed, click Update Data File.

The Custom Data File can now be used on a Custom Data Display page.

Updating the Custom Data File

The Custom Data File can be updated from time to time.  From the Custom Data File list, select Edit, then click the Browse button beside the Upload New File field and select the file to be uploaded.

Note:  The updated file must be the exact name of the original and must contain the exact structure as the original.

Automatic Updates:  To schedule automatic updates of a Custom Data File, contact your Buz coach for assistance.